• info@giftedandtalentedpakistan.com

The Vision

The Vision

To elevate exceptionally gifted Pakistani students from financially challenged circumstances to a level which earns them scholarships in mathematics or the physical sciences from elite international universities.


In Pakistani primary schools, there are students of exceptional ability whose potential is not realized because of financial circumstances. Their ability is not recognized or they are unable financially to proceed to middle schools or are in schools that are incapable of fulfilling their potential. The Scholarship is intended to identify and elevate some of the students in this gifted pool of talent.


Selected scholars will be awarded a 7-year scholarship for Middle, Secondary and Higher Secondary education. An Advisor will be appointed for the overall academic development and mentoring of the Scholar. One-on-one private tutors will be engaged with emphasis on mathematics and English. Throughout the 7 years a spirit of excellence and pride in achieving for Pakistan will be instilled. In the final two years, the Scholar will be prepared and guided in the scholarships and admission process at elite international universities in Mathematics or the Physical Sciences and (Inshallah) will succeed in obtaining one.